Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"O Children-" OST- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Soundtrack: Nick Cave- O' Ch...


  1. People in the house, check this out-- finally, after 6 HP film adaptations, they included in the official sound track a wickedly cool song!

    "O Children" by Nick Cave is the song swelling in the background as Harry and Hermione danced their woes away in the tent. It was a stroke of genius from the great David Yates. Yes, it's NOT in the book, but the scene has become one of the favorite scenes, not only of Harry-Hermione hopefuls, but of the general moviegoers, provoking wolf-whistles, hysteria, and applause in some movie theatres.

    Why is spontaneous dance scene significant? How does the song fit in?

    For one, the dance scene speaks volumes about the Harry-Hermione bond. They have the kind of connection which don't require words. It was Harry's way of telling Hermione, "Fuck the horcruxes, babe. Let's party!" By removing the horcrux Hermione was wearing, Harry was taking her on a journey back to childhood. They were 11 again. They danced, and for a while, the world was normal.

    Secondly, from the Freudian point of view, it was a way to manage the "sexual tension," which happens to all normal human beings. Here is a boy and a girl alone together for months inside a tent; it's freakin cold and they need some warmth. The fact that they didn't make out, or at least kissed, is a proof of the platonic nature of their relationship. That explains the song, "O Children."

    Your turn. What's your take on the dance scene and the song?

    ---H. Granger

  2. Though i haven't really considered Harry and Hermione to actually be a couple (I'm a solid Ronmione fan and a Harry-Ginny shipper)I really liked or like is a bit of an understatement so i'll just say it... totally loved this scene! the addition of this scene was a good call.. finally they added a scene that made sense unlike the "Burrow Scene" in HBP which totally made no sense to me.. What i particularly like about this scene though, has nothing to do with Harry and Hermione... Rather i loved this scene sooo much because i got to see Dan's dancing chops! You would know H. Granger since we watched it together. It was "awkward dancing" in Dan's part but that what made it quite special. the awkwardness made it spontaneous and real. I fell in love with him again because of this scene. This scene made it in My Top 12 "Rocked my world" moments. I got the song downloaded and i listen to it almost everyday. Listening to it obliviates me to all the sorrow and sadness.. Dancing the sorrow away with Harry... And your right H Granger... it made me feel i'm 11 again.. unaware that i would be this crazy to Harry, unaware that sooner or later the music will stop and i'm left with memories of a wonderful dance i've been dancing for 9 years...♥♥

    -G. Potter ♥

  3. Yes, G.Potter, I couldn't agree more about the awkward dancing that Harry did. This is what's "magical" about Dan-- he could be awkward and adorable at the same time. Same here, G. I'm a solid Ronmione fan, which is why I love it that Dan's role has consistently no romantic intention toward Emma's role, though from what I've read, Emma used to be Dan's childhood crush :) I just love the Platonic bond they share. I have this kind of bond with a male friend, too.

    Got to reload my quill. I'm working on another vignette about Bathsheda Babbling, the "unknown, unseen, and unheard-of" Ancient Runes professor at Hogwarts.

    Nice catching up with you, G.

    Love from,

    H. Granger

  4. Gonna read the Harry Potter series for the nth time. I don't wanna get over with it 'cause it's like leaving my childhood behind. It's like trying to sing a new song but off beat because I've been singing my HP memories for ten years. You're right G. Potter. And now even if it's about to end, it doesn't mean the end of OUR MAGICAL WORLD. Because Harry Potter will always remain in our heart, mind, and soul forever... *tears*

  5. And this blogsite.. is one way of of making Harry Potter alive.. forever and ever! So poteheads join us as we give tribute to HP! And this is quite another venue to talk all HP.. without stares that say you're crazy..Coz here.. we are all crazy.. hehehe.. If we laugh at you we are laughing at ourselves..♥♥

  6. H.Granger,

    I've read your "unauthorized side stories" and i'm amazed with your memory i couldn't even remember these 2 characters.. and i call myself a fan.. shame on me...(momentary silence while I bang my head with a lampshade.. Dobby-style)anyhow... i'll comment on them tomorrow maybe or the next day.. i'm working on something too..But it's not as brilliant as yours...and i'm still working on it.. how about other we post a topic for discussion? would it be nice too? like.. "Why in the world did Hermione Jean Granger ever made it to Gryffindor when she can be in Ravenclaw" or "PotterBooks: a Reign of Half-Bloods".. Tell me what you think..♥♥ Ciao!

    Lots of Love,

    G.Potter ♥

  7. G. Potter Dear,

    Have you been obliviated or something? Blimey, G., I have such a bad memory; when it comes to HP though, I have an elephant's memory.

    I'm glad you're writing something as well. By creating and re-creating stories about HP characters, we're immortalizing them. I'm presently working on "The Secret Life of the Fat Lady in the Portrait." Come on, they're not brilliant, G. They're just "inspired" writings, but I'm proud of them, too.

    Your suggestion to post topics for discussion is brilliant! I'd love to discuss my theories on such questions as, "Who is Mrs. Norris in the life of Argus Filch?" and "Could Dumbledore really be gay?"

    Keep writing and dropping by Number 12, G.

    Love from,

    H. Granger

  8. H. Granger,

    i love those topic you chose... alicemooney is planning to post something on the similarities of Hitler and Voldemort... i'm excited for these topics...can't wait to post my views on them...

    Lots of Love,
    G.Potter ♥

  9. On the matter of alicemoony posting something on the similarities of Hitler and Voldemort, all I can say is wiiiicckkkkeeeeddddd!!!! Bring it on, alicemoony. I can't wait to read it.

    H. Granger

  10. The HP 7.1 "tent scene" is WAY WAY HOTTER than the Eclipse tent scene. Period.

    silver doe

  11. "I always wanted Harry and Hermione to be together, no clue why, but this scene in the film was so moving that I completely understood the depth of their friendship enough to let that concept die. Their friendship is just an insanely powerful thing, and it's nice that it runs so deep so that they don't let romance get in the way of it." (cgnetwork1, You Tube, Retrieved: 12/6/2010)

    I had to quote this You Tube viewer, because these words are exactly what I would say of this scene.
