Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This is G.Potter

Real Name:   Kristine Anne Villarosa
 House:          Slytherin
Wand:            9" Willow Dragons Hair
 Patronus:     Lynx
 Pet/Animal:  Cat named Juaca Bella
 Blood Status: Muggle
 Best Subjects: Grammatica and Potions
 Interests:      Quidditch,Divination, Astrology


  1. Hi there, G. Too bad we don't belong to the same house. The Sorting Hat must be going mental these days. Do post your comment/ analysis on the tent dance scene, which happens to be my fave scene (second is the PG-13 liplock scene:) Click the comment for the OST- "O Children" clip I posted.

    Thanks for posting the brain-wracking O.W.L. questions.

    Semper fidelis,

    H. Granger

  2. It's okay if we don't belong to the same house like what APWBD said.. "Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open." We have identical aims though we're in a different house... Have a wicked time in the Ravenclaw common room! While i do the same.. Fun is somewhat a bit hard to find in my house.. oh well.. i've commented on your post already.. ♥♥

    -G. Potter ♥

  3. Hey, G. Please sign in as Secret-Keeper/Resident, so you'll appear among our list of followers.


    H. Granger

  4. Hey, G. Potter. Why do you call your cat "Juaca Bella"? Is this an allusion to that "vampire girl who runs with wolves"?


    Silver Doe

  5. Silver Doe,

    I have a real cat named J.B... who actually turned out to be a feline (which i failed to recognize until it became pregnant due to childhood innocence).. the name Juaca Bella just fell in my head as i was writing the post. vampires or any allusions to them are prohibited in no.12 so i will have to say no.But the name's quite cute don't you think?♥

    Cat-lover for always,
    G.Potter ♥

  6. Dear G,

    Cute initials, JB. Same as "my" JB. And my JB is also a cat-person. He's the King of Cats. But that's a digression.

    Well, it's nice to know you remembered the House Rule, G. Potter. I'm happy about it.

    Your dog-loving friend,

    H. Granger

    [P.S. to Silver Doe: Are you a cat lover or a dog lover?]

  7. H. Granger,

    Cats and dogs are all over my house. I treat them all equally. So I guess you could call me an animal lover, a naturalist.
