Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Unauthorized Harry Potter Side Stories: Vignette Number One -- The Untold Story of Wendelin the Weird by H. Granger

Dear Residents of Number 12,

       You may claim extensive knowledge of characters from the Harry Potter series, but, in truth, there are "obscure" characters you may not even recall reading about in any one of the seven books. And so I am undertaking this noble task of writing about them and of giving them due credit for their significant, albeit small contribution to the marvelous literary tapestry that is Harry Potter's life and adventures.

Do you recall a certain Medieval witch who goes by the name Wendelin the Weird?

On pages 1 -2, Chapter One ("Owl Post"), Book 3 (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), Harry is writing an essay under the blanket, flashlight in one hand, and a book by Bathilda Bagshot (A History of Magic). He had to write an essay for History of Magic in his third year, the premise for which was that "Witch burning in the fourteenth century was completely pointless. Please explain." Remember now?

Wendelin the Weird was a witch who lived in the Middle Ages. She allowed herself to be caught numerous times in various disguises by witch-hunters, who tried to burn her at the stake. With the use of a Flame-Freezing Charm, however, the flames were rendered harmless, creating only a gentle tickling sensation which Wendelin enjoyed.

"Non-magic people (more commonly known as muggles) were particularly afraid of magic in medieval times, but not very good at recognizing it. On the rare occasion that they did catch a real witch or wizard, burning had no effect whatsoever. The witch or wizard would perform a basic Flame Freezing Charm and then pretend to shriek with pain while enjoying a gentle, tickling sensation. Indeed, Wendelin the Weird enjoyed being burned so much that she allowed herself to be caught no less than forty-seven times in various disguises." (Bagshot, A History of Magic).

What if I told you that I found (nicked, more like) a torn page from Wendelin the Weird's diary, tucked within the pages of a copy of Bagshot's original manuscripts? It was not an easy task, I might add. I had to perform the Imperius Curse on Madam Pince to gain access into the Hogwarts library Medieval Archives Section. So, without much ado, here's the diary entry on a day in the life of Wendelin the Weird:

                 13th of the First Month of Spring Equinox, A.D. 1312

Dear Diary,

       It's been a quarter of a century since my last "execution" by burning at the stake. I had a blast with that last one, what with all the attention I was getting while I was feigning pain and agony amidst the flames. Ah, how I miss the look on the faces of those Muggles while I am pulling off my trick.

       My father, Winthrop the Wise, who teaches Charms at Durmstrang, calls me a freak of nature for pursuing this unusual hobby of mine. He thinks I have gone mental like my mum, Wanda the Wanderer, who goes around the world, sampling the method of execution of every country by revealing she is a witch and allowing herself to be hanged, drawn and quartered, skinned, scalped, burned, stoned, and fed to the crocodiles. In each circumstance, of course, she has a spell to save her skin. Quite a genius on spells, my mum.

       Incidentally, I have heard of a massive witch hunt going on somewhere in Dublin, Ireland, and that's where I'm headed for. I am presently contemplating on the kind of disguise I will use this time. I've tried transforming into the person of my notorius great-aunt, Wilfrida the Wild, a hideous hag, by means of Polyjuice Potion; I've appeared as a seductive courtesan who could levitate; I've tried flying over a French village on a broom...So, what would it be this time? I should see my cousin, Willian the Wily, for some advice. Uncle Willard once mentioned that cousin Willian has survived sixty-five executions because of her extensive knowledge of life-saving spells.

P.S.  My hawk, Loki, returned today with a message from mum. She is in England, applying for a teaching post at a wizarding school called Hogwarts. Said they are in need of a new Charms professor, as the previous one died because of a spell that backfired. I'm sure mum will bag the post.

                                                                --Wendelin the Weird



  1. Wendelin the Weird is such a comic relief! She rocks. Rowling opened Book 3 (HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban) with this humorous exposition about a seemingly masochistic witch, perhaps with the intention of starting "on a lighter note," before punching the readings in the gut with the intense events that will follow.

    This book of the HP series is so unforgettable.

    silver doe

    ...I meant, "before punching the readers in the gut..."

    silver doe

  3. Right you are, Silver Doe. Azkaban is, in fact, my favorite of the first four books. It's like this is where the books started becoming darker, bleaker. Rowling's plotting in Book 3 is so flawless, it really defined her writing style.

    On the matter of Wendelin the Weird, I just find her so fascinating. She totally changed the way I look at witch burnings, haha!

  4. Her Hawk is called Loki?! AWESOME!!! Avengers FTW!
