Sunday, December 26, 2010

Argy's Monthsary.

Harry Potter is J. K. Rowling's very own masterpiece. There are spectacular events which go in twists and in turns, marvelous places beyond our imagination, admirably sensible lines, disbelievingly diverse creatures, and of course the cognizant characters who make everything fantabulous. However there are fair few of characters who are despised, and overlooked because of their features which affect their functions in every book. It;s either they are loathed by the readers or by their fellow characters. Allow me to zoom a little to better get to the point. 
I am talking here of two persons particularly at Hogwarts who are 'greatly disliked' and 'universally despised' by students. They are so because of their tasks in school: on is keeping the books of the library and the other is caring for the school such as patrolling the corridors and inspecting the students. Obviously, they are Madam Pince and Filch; the former is the Hogwarts' Librarian, and the latter is the caretaker.

Madam Irma Pince, as all Hogwarts staff are, is no exception in skills. however she is deemed highly unpleasant by most of the student body as her being highly possessive and protective of the Hogwarts Library books. Moreover, she's severe, strict and irritable. She performs intricate non-verbal magic, and able to place powerful hexes and jinxes on objects. It is said that she often put curses, jinxes, and hexes on books so that students cannot further dismantle her loved books. There was an instance that the Headmaster himself, APWB Dumbledore visited her sanctuary with the goal of publishing Quidditch Through Ages for muggles to raise money. But Pince was extremely reluctant to let the book leave the confines of the library, as well as the wizarding world, and Dumbledore had to pry each of her fingers from the spine to take it. Upon reading the said book, he saw a warning - a threat to the readers. 

Argus Filch is a Squib and a caretaker of Hogwarts S of W and W who usually wanders around the school corridors trying to catch rule-breaking students. He also has his own addiction - Mrs. Norris the cat. His den is his office filled with cabinets containing detailed records of all the students he disciplined (which apparently the Weasley twins have an entire drawer to themselves. Harry also found Sirius' and his father's many records while doing a detention. The Marauders Map was also recovered here.)Filch believes in corporal punishment on students which laments him so because it isn't allowed. Asa a squib, he has difficulty in recognizing potions, as he didn't notic the love potions disguised as perfumes and cough potions by
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, nor the mead poisoned by Draco.

Though both hated by students, Madam Pince and Mr. Filch have some more similarities; they both heed on faults of students and they have their own wedded inclination - Mrs. Norrics for Argus, and her tomes for Irma. But she is a highly skilled witch and he is a Squib. So what now? Do the two really shared a romantic relationship? Though there are rumors about Pince giving Filch a  love Potion (which he can't detect) when she overheard the Trio harry ron hermione talking of such in the library in HBP. just so they end up together. Filch even escorted her at Dumbledore's funeral.

So here's a plain story I made for you guys. Hope you'll like it.

Amidst the increasingly tight measures around the school, halfway through October will still be the students' first Hogsmeade trip of the term. It was rather stormy while the wind and sleet pounded relentlessly on the windows, a time for students to endure their sweet dreams and obscene snoring. But for Irma, 'tis a carefree day for some students won't go lurking in her library and of course, for she can accommodate Argus once more so they can spend some time alone together. As for Argus, he will be lessening his patrols as three-quarters of the students are out of school for the trip.

Filch was standing at the oak front doors as usual, checking off the names of the people who had permission to go into Hogsmeade. The process took even longer than normal as Filch was triple-checking everybody with this Secrecy Sensor. HBP242  But he'd be late for his date.
"What does it matter if we're smuggling Dark stuff OUT?" demanded Ron, eyeing the long thin Secrecy Sensor with apprehension. "Surely you ought to be checking what we bring back IN?" HBP243
This struck Argus. Since it took him longer than usual, the then ought to consider Ron's advice and hurried over inside the castle leaving Draco Malfoy unchecked.

" Food in the library! Out! OUT!" roared Irma at three second years. The poor students hastily dashed away the shelves and headed to the doors. one of the three, a bespectacled boy, knocked Argus by the doorstep.
"How dare you!" But Irma was now complaining of what they did to Argus. "Argus, my heart, I'm so sorry." she helped him on his feet "I'm going to catch them later."
They had spent the day talking of students who often break the school rules and scheming a very good punishment for them.
"Let's meet on Monday." said Irma thoughtfully.
"Promise, my heart." Argus kissed Irma's bare hand as a temporal farewell.

Next day, Sunday, burst Katie Bell's accident with the cursed necklace at Hogsmeade. Argus was devastated because of his failure. He was no more determined to patrol and check every student. Thus affected his next date.
"-but you've heard it. The news. I just can't leave my work, it's noble. I'll make it up to you heart." despite the terrible happenings, Argus compromised.

Thursday morning, the library's packed with usual people, just as the castle was with snow for Christmas was approaching fast. Irma's supposed to be busy, yet unhelpful to students who were finding books. She was rather immersed with the potion book she has just pried her fingers from the Restricted Section, and searched for an empty bookshelf and settled herself, scanning. Eyeing through the shelf, she caught glimpse of Harry Potter along with his two most loyal friends who were discussing so intently. She remembered the boy's first year at Hogwarts, taking the book Quidditch Through the Ages out of the library and she finally had it back through Argus.
"Such an arrogant boy. So much alike with the father." she smirked.
"-up a powerful curse, like the one on that necklace within seconds." she overheard the girl with the bushy hair confessing to the two.
"Hmp! Up to something silly again, they are!" grunted Irma and continued eavesdropping.
"But something that's just been put in the wrong bottle wouldn't register - and anyway, love potions aren't Dar of dangerous-"
Love potions. Easy now dear, you might as well slip for me the ingredients and make my life easy. Irma muttered to herself.
"-so it would be down to Fich to realize it wasn't a cough potion, and he's not a very good wizard, I doubt he can tell one potion from-"
Scums! Irma moved close behind the three among the dark bookshelves. She appeared around the corner with her vulture like countenance, her sunken cheeks, her skin parchment-like and her long hooked nose touching the tome she was carrying.
"The library's now closed." she said. "Mind you return anything you have borrowed to the correct - what have you been doing to that book, you depraved boy?"
But Harry already snatched his copy of Advanced Potion-Making hastily and headed off the library with Ron and Hermione. 
"Despoiled!" she hissed. "Desecrated! Befouled!"
Now she remembered that bushy-haired girl and regretted reprimanding her for she paved the way of her having Lockhart's autograph through a note allowing the girl inside the Restricted Section. But she's messing with Argus! It wasn't hardly on her retrospect either of Harry Potter's suspicious wanderings about the same section on his first year.
She put some hexes and jinxes on the books and the next day was satisfied that the boy has been intimidated by a book causing Argus to rescue in the middle of the night.

Alas! She found what she's aiming to brew on her boiling cauldron!
It was Christmas - time for more lovin'. Such drove Irma more ascertain to hand over  her specially-brewed present to Argus. 
"Careful now, Argus. You just can't slip a drink to yourself. Not in these times. Trust no one." intervened Snape.
Later, Irma found Argus at her doorstep and consciously asked "You drank it?"
"Not yet, my hear. I'm preserving it. It's special. Just as you are."
But Irma thought he did as Argus walked towards the library half-limping, slouched  and in stupor as though hypnotized.
"So you don't love me now? You're here to end this all up? Forgive me. I put love potion in that drink. you were avoiding me." Irma said nearly to tears.
"No, no. I'm here to give you this," Argus presented a book - a large one from his back "and my heart. Nothing can befall our love. You're the noblest I ever had.'

P.S. I'm sorry. I have more in mind but couldn't take it any longer. I feel nauseated while writing this one.

Hedwig :)

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